Flexible Business Processes With SAP Business One

Flexible Business Processes

There’s no simple answer to staying ahead of your competitors.  You need to look after your existing customers, win new ones, meet deadlines, keep promises, remain profitable and control the cash.  That takes skill and dedication, it’s not something that technology can do for you, but it can help.  It definitely shouldn’t hinder you!

Becasue Ambition Enterprise with SAP Business One is an integrated system nothing happens in isolation.  You get a competitive advantage by having a complete picture of your business.  From business opportunities to credit control and from order through production to delivery and beyond to service contracts.

Connected Processes

As a single integrated system, all of the data is interconnected.  This means that your system is properly up to date at all times.  For example, when you book goods into stock that have not yet been invoiced, the system creates a GRNI (Goods Received Not Invoiced) journal.  When the order is invoiced, this journal is reversed for you automatically.

Throughout the system documents and processes are controlled in the same consistent way so it’s easy for user to become familiar with the system and with the workflow that’s relevant to your business.

Flexibility vs Control